James Dyson Award Winner Could hold Key to Preventing Needlestick injuries

Droplet on the Point of Hypodermic NeedleInventors in Belgium may have found a way in which to avoid needlestick injuries in the future by creating a device for accurately administering vaccinations.

The Vax ID is just one of the many ingenious university student inventions that has been awarded this year’s James Dyson Award and is an implement that is set to change the way in which vaccinations are delivered for ever. The Vax ID’s design is such that it can help medical staff insert the vaccination at exactly the right depth into the correct subcutaneous layer. What makes it even more exciting is the retractable needle, which once used, withdraws into the interior, and cannot be re-used. The implications are incredible as the same type of retracting needle may be used for all manner of injections in the future.

What are needlestick injuries?

As the name suggests, needlestick injuries occur when someone is unintentionally pricked or scratched by a needle or sharp medical implement. This can occur when a syringe is not disposed of in a proper manner such as placed in the appropriate impenetrable sharps box. The negligence of medical staff in not disposing of syringes and other sharp instruments can lead to other hospital workers and patients potentially being pricked, which can lead to disastrous results. Victims of needlestick injuries may have to wait weeks before discovering whether or not they have contracted a blood-borne virus from a needlestick injury. A retractable syringe, such as the Vax ID will help eradicate needlestick injuries in hospital staff and patients, thus eliminating the emotional and physical trauma caused.

Needlestick injury claims

Unfortunately, it may be many years before the Vax ID translates into an everyday item in hospitals, which means that needlestick injuries will still occur. Hospital staff are well aware of the correct procedures when it comes to the disposal of sharps and are responsible for the safety of other staff and patients. If you have been the victim of a needlestick injury you may be able to claim compensation for the trauma you have suffered. We are needlestick injury claims specialists and can help you get the support and advice you require to ensure your case is a success.

Contact the experts

It is important to get the right advice with this particular area of personal injury law, which is what you will get when you contact us. Our solicitors are experienced in this field and can help you get the maximum amount of compensation in the minimum amount of time. Not only do we provide legal advice, but we can refer you to the appropriate agencies for counselling and emotional support.

What we do

Our legal team are here for you throughout the entire claims process and will do everything possible to provide the support you need at this traumatic time. Our clients benefit from:

  • A free initial consultation to assess your specific case
  • Appointments at times to suit you
  • Home and hospital appointments at your convenience
  • No Win No Fee representation

Past clients can attest to our professionalism and dedication. Our reputation is built on years of successful claims secured by our highly talented legal team. You can take advantage of our know-how simply by calling us on 08000 430 430 today. Find out just how much you can claim and get the compensation you deserve.

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