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Assault Injuries

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If you’ve sustained a personal injury in an Assault, you may be able to make a compensation claim. Your payout will be dealt with by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, which will determine the value of your claim based on the impact your injuries had on your everyday life, the severity of your injuries, other expenses such as medical bills and lost wages, and the circumstances of the assault.

Assaults are very traumatic and as well as the physical pain that you may experience, the emotional toil can also be very costly. People frequently suffer long-term anxiety, depression and mental health problems following an assault and can feel frightened when out in public. While personal injury compensation can never fully compensate for this emotional damage, it could help you to get your life back on track.

The money that you receive will not be paid for by the guilty party and the police do not even have to have arrested anyone for you to make a compensation claim. Our personal injury solicitors can help you build the best possible case on a no-win no-fee basis, and with a few key details of your case, we can tell you whether or not you are eligible to receive assault injury compensation.

If you want free advice or are planning to make a criminal injuries compensation claim, simply speak to Clearwater Solicitors by dialing 08000 430 430. Fill In Our Online Enquiry Form to Start Your Claim Today.

Case Studies

Victim attacked in nightclub awarded £3,120.00 after winning assault injury claim. read more>>

Disclaimer – The information in the case study is not legal advice and should not be construed as such. The case study is for information purposes only, to help illustrate to our potential clients the type of claims Clearwater Solicitors can help them with. Clearwater Solicitors has not represented client(s) in the case study unless stated otherwise.

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