Can I Claim for accident at Cloth Store?
If you’ve been in an accident at a clothes store, then claim compensation with Clearwater Solicitors! We have the skills and experience you need if you are to recover all the money you deserve in your clothes store accident claim, so call us on 08000 430 430 or fill in our online enquiry form to get started!
Clothes store accident compensation claims
There are a number of factors that come into play in clothes shop accident compensation claims. Firstly, it must be shown that the company had a duty of care towards the victim – this could be the duty an employer has to their employees, or the duty a company has towards its customers and the general public. Secondly, it must be shown that the company or its employees were negligent towards this duty of care, and finally, it must be demonstrated that this negligence directly led to the claimant’s injuries.
While clothes store injury claims can take a variety of forms, some of the most common include:
– Workplace accident claims
– Falling items
– Manual handling injuries
– Industrial illness claims
Clothes store injury claim case study
A 7-year-old girl was shopping for clothes with her mother when she tripped over the leg of a clothes stand, which was only intended as a temporary measure and should not have been on the floor. She sustained a fractured forearm in the clothes shop injury, which prevented her from playing with her friends or participating in her favourite sports. She also complained of nightmares, which led to fear, anxiety and mood swings.
Liability was eventually admitted by the clothes store’s insurers and the victim received £5,000 for her pain and suffering, with this money invested until she reaches 18 years of age. Her parents were also compensated for their financial losses.
Making a compensation claim against a clothes store
Claiming compensation against a clothes shop can be a complicated and difficult process, and you will need to use skilled personal injury solicitors if you are to do so. Your claim will be handled by the retailer’s insurance company, which will want to maximise its bottom line and minimise the size of your settlement. Therefore, you will need the help of experienced legal experts if you are to ensure you receive all the money you deserve.
You can support your clothes shop accident claim with the following tips:
– Take photographs of the area the accident occurred in
– Record the names and telephone numbers of witnesses
– Report the accident to the clothes shop and ask for a copy of the accident book report
– Have your injuries assessed by an expert and recorded in your medical records
– Retain any documentation that proves your losses
– Speak with Clearwater Solicitors
Just call us today to get started with your clothes store injury compensation claim! Dial 08000 430 430 to speak with us today, or provide a few key details in our handy online enquiry form and we will call you back as soon as possible.
Disclaimer – The information in the case study is not legal advice and should not be construed as such. The case study is for information purposes only, to help illustrate to our potential clients the type of claims Clearwater Solicitors can help them with. Clearwater Solicitors has not represented client(s) in the case study unless stated otherwise.
Our Claim Process
1: Contact our personal injury solicitors by calling 08000 430430 or complete an online enquiry form.
2: Our specialist team will obtain all the details about your accident and injury.
3: We will either post our information pack or visit you at home. Once we have received the signed documentation we will contact the third party.
4: We will arrange a appointment with a medical expert who will provide a detailed report about the nature and extend of your injuries and how it has affected you.
5: As soon as all the information/ documentation be collected we will submit a settlement proposed to the third party.
6: We will negotiate with the third party and obtain your instructions..
7: You will receive your settlement cheque.