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Manual handling and lifting injuries are very common at workplace. In fact, the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) records indicate that more than 30% of all accidents causing more than 3 days absence from work are a result of manual handling and lifting injuries at work. Lifting and manual handling of objects can result in injuries varying in severity from minor to debilitating.  Your employer has a legal responsibility to provide a safe working environment for you. If they fail to do so they could be held responsible for the injury and losses you suffer.

If you have had a lifting accident at work which has caused your injury and losses you are entitled to claim compensation. Contact our expert personal injury solicitors on 08000 430 430 or complete our online enquiry form and we will call you back.

Common Causes of Lifting Accidents

Most injuries caused by lifting accidents are caused by:-

  1. Improper lifting techniques,
  2. Heavy objects,
  3. Unstable loads,
  4. Improper handling of lifting machine e.g. pushing when the item should be pulled or vice versa,
  5. Employees with no training being asked to move objects,
  6. The employer failing to provide any training relating to correct lifting posture, how to use lifting equipment and how to manage heavy or unstable loads.
  7. No protective equipment available to the employees e.g. a forklift trucks

Common Injuries Caused by Lifting Accidents

Injuries caused by lifting accidents can be minor, severe or debilitating leading to lifelong disabilities. The most common injuries are to the back area e.g. injury to the spine, nerve damage, muscle tissue rupture (hernia), fractures. However, manual handling accidents can also lead to injuries to the arms, hands, legs, feet, repetitive strain to the neck and shoulder injuries.

Employer’s Responsibility

Your employer has a duty to prevent injuries caused by lifting or manual handling under the Manual Handling Operations Regulation 1992. Employers are required to:-

  • Provide equipment for the safe transfer of objects and to protect from injury
  • Training relating to good practices
  • Carry our risk assessments to stop manual handling which is not completely essential, identify all manual handling which could cause injury, reduce the risk of injury where possible.

If your employer fails to fulfill their legal duty you could be entitled to personal injury compensation.

Employee’s Responsibility

You also have a duty to:-

  • Report to your employer any dangerous manual handling practices you have observed
  • Abide by all health and safety procedures your employer provides,
  • Use all tools and equipment provided to you.
  • Co-operate with your employer in relation to Health and Safety,

Lifting Accident Compensation Claim

You can make a compensation claim if you have suffered an injury which was caused by a lifting accident at work. You can claim for general damages and special damages. General damages compensate you for pain and suffering for the physical or psychological injury. Special damages compensate you for all your financial losses either in the form of loss of income, future loss of earnings, medical treatment and travel costs and care and assistance provided by family, friend or others.

We are have dealt with many manual handling and lifting accidents. If you or your family member has suffered from an injury then contact us on 08000 430 430 or complete our online enquiry form so we may call you back.

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