Traffic Levels See Annual Rise Of 2.3% In Third Quarter Of 2013

The levels of motor vehicle traffic the UK saw in the third quarter of 2013 was 2.3% higher than during the same timeframe in 2012, data from the Department for Transport has revealed.

This might be because the weather in the third quarter of 2012 saw extremely high levels of rainfall, and the drier conditions in 2013 have contributed to the increase in motor vehicle traffic.

Overall, car traffic saw an annual increase of 1.9% in the quarter, while light good vehicle use rose by 5.1% and heavy goods vehicle traffic rose by 2.7%. Furthermore, all road types saw a greater volume of traffic, with urban and rural roads seeing traffic rise by 2.1% and motorways seeing a 3.2% increase.

In the last 20 years, overall levels of road traffic have increased by 20%, but light good vehicle use has grown by nearly 70% over this timeframe. It is thought that the increasing popularity of online shopping could be partially responsible for this rise.

These figures come from the Quarterly Road Traffic Estimates document and are provisional estimates only, but have been found to typically be accurate to within 1%.

Road Traffic Accident Claims

If you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle accident, you should speak with personal injury solicitors to make a compensation claim! Get in touch with Clearwater Solicitors before accepting any money from insurance companies, as we can ensure you receive every penny of damages you deserve.

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