RAC asks Christmas drivers to plan in advance
20th December 2013
With 13 million vehicles set to hit Great Britain’s major roads from December 24th to 26th, the RAC is advising drivers to plan their journeys in advance to avoid any problems.
Christmas Eve is expected to be the busiest day for travel, with 4.3 million vehicles, or 15% of drivers, predicted to use the nation’s trunk roads and motorways. On Christmas Day, this figure is estimated to be 3.7 million, or 13% of drivers while on Boxing Day it should hit 4.1 million, or 14%.
Mat Dallaway, RAC Roadside Operations Manager, recommended that people check their coolant and oil levels, as well as screenwash, lights, tyres and wiper blades. He advised people to look into alternative routes when roads are expected to be busy, and to give themselves plenty of time to travel.
He also said that drivers with passengers who are not regular travellers, such as young children and the elderly, should pack plenty of provisions and warm clothes in case there are any unforeseen problems and to factor regular breaks into journey times.
The RAC will have 10% more patrols on the roads than usual over the festive period and is offering live weather, traffic and roadworks information on its mobile traffic and Route Planner app.
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