One-Fifth Of Brits Admits Drug-Driving

Almost one-fifth (19%) of Brits have put other road users in danger of motor vehicle accidents by driving under the influence of drugs, a new poll has revealed.

Of these respondents, 12% were using prescription drugs at the time, while 7% were using illegal drugs. The most common illegal drug used by drug-drivers was cannabis, at 18%, with 10% admitting to driving after taking class A drugs such as MDMA and cocaine.

Despite these surprisingly high figures, the drug driving conviction rate is relatively low, with just 1,132 convictions for drug-driving in 2012, and 1,294 in 2011. Drug intoxication will also help to prove liability in car accident compensation claims.

A shocking 56% of those who have been convicted have been caught at least twice, with 21% being caught at least three times.

A total of 72% of respondents said people who drive while intoxicated by drugs should receive heavier sentences, with 25% saying those who have taken prescription drugs they need to take before getting behind the wheel should receive less severe penalties.

Motor vehicle accidents

Rood accident claims caused by drug driving are totally avoidable. If you’ve been in a motor vehicle accident that wasn’t your fault, you have the right to claim compensation and recover your losses.

Car accident compensation claims

Call Clearwater Solicitors to make a road accident compensation claim. Call 08000 430 430 or fill in our online enquiry form to request a call back.